LeetScan API

Fetch and analyze LeetCode user profiles with ease


Welcome to the LeetScan API! This powerful tool allows you to fetch and analyze user profiles from LeetCode with ease. Whether you're a developer looking to showcase your coding prowess or a recruiter searching for top talent, LeetScan API provides the insights you need.


To use the API, make a GET request to our endpoint with the desired LeetCode username. The API will return a JSON object containing detailed information about the user's profile, including problem-solving statistics, contest rankings, and more.


Single User Profile

GET /:username

Replace :username with the LeetCode username you want to fetch the profile for.

Multiple User Profiles

POST /multi

Send a POST request with a JSON body containing an array of usernames:

    "usernames": ["user1", "user2", "user3"]

Try It

Enter a LeetCode username to fetch their profile:

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